Atkins Diet

Indians adopt various diet plans to protect themselves from the problem of obesity. The Atkins Diet, as an effective anti-obesity measure, is steadily becoming popular in India. In the earlier days, not too many people in India were in favor of adopting the Atkins Diet to counter the problem of obesity. But in recent times, many of the famous models and actors in the country are believed to have gained several benefits by following the Atkins Diet.

The Origin of the Atkins Diet

The credit for creating the Atkins Diet Plan goes to Dr. Robert Atkins. During the 1960s, he invented the diet plan on the basis of a write-up, that had made its appearance in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Later, Dr. Robert Atkins published several books which enlightened the readers about the benefits of his diet plan. In India, the Atkins Diet plan was introduced much later.

Atkins diet plan

The Atkins Diet plan has the following salient features
  • Reduction in intake of refined carbohydrates.
  • Reduction in intake of trans food items.
  • Use of nutritional supplements and exercises
Common sources containing refined carbohydrates
  • Sugar
  • Flour
  • Corn Syrups
Common sources containing trans fats:
  • Hydrogenated Oils

Opposing viewpoints about Atkins Diet in India

There are many nutritionists in India who have doubts about the efficacy of the Atkins Diet plan. The critics claim that the low-on-fibre diet is unbalanced and leads to consumption of low amounts of water-soluble vitamins and calcium. They advise that those who have opted for the Atkins Diet should not go overboard when they follow the diet plan.

However, several eminent personalities in India claim to have benefited by following the Atkins Diet plan. Eventually, it depends on an individual's body to determine how effective the Atkins Diet plan could be.

Cellulite Diet

Cellulite Diet is meant for those who have cellulite. Though there is no such diet that can cure cellulite, yet Cellulite Diet can only give the proper nutritional values to your body so that the chances of getting affected with cellulite minimizes. Cellulite is the localized fat accumulated in the human body, that is not related to overall weight status. There is no known cause of cellulite, and no one also knows how it is cured. Therefore, you cannot prepare a diet for cellulite. What you can do, is to prepare a diet which improves the inner nutritional health so that your body gets prepared to fight against getting cellulite. Therefore a Cellulite Diet would mainly be a healthy eating and cleansing plan.

How to Fight against Cellulite

A Cellulite Diet cannot cure cellulite, though you can reduce the accumulated fat by the means of balanced diet, healthy eating and cleansing. What you need to do first is to detoxify your body. And this is exactly what a Cellulite Diet does. You must avoid fatty and junk foods. Plenty of exercises and massaging the affected areas could be of great help.

Diet for Cellulite

The first thing that a Cellulite Diet would contain are the Fresh fruits and green vegetables. The fresh fruits and vegetables contain minerals, fiber and physiochemical elements that help to clean the body and remove stored toxins. Fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants that work as a great help.
Your Cellulite Diet must contain the fruits and vegetables like Oranges, Apples, Cranberries, Blueberries and Blackberries, Cherries, Spinach, Tomatoes, Mangoes, Grapefruit, Carrots, Bell Peppers, Fennel etc

A Cellulite Diet should also contain oily fishes, nuts and seeds that control and reduce the cellulite. One should also drink a large quantity of water which can rapidly decrease the amount of toxins from the body. The foods that contain alcohol, refined foods, soda, and high animal protein should also be excluded from the Cellulite Diet.
A proper Cellulite Diet should also ensure fiber in the food. Refined and processed foods should also be avoided. The amount of salt and sugar in the food should be minimal. One should also avoid caffeine-laden tea and coffee. Instead of these, they can take herbal teas and Diet Pill

Tips for Healthy Diet

Importance of a Healthy Diet

Diet plays a major role in the overall health of an individual. Besides the physical activities, diet is also a major factor that affects the health of a human being. Every individual should have proper weight / height ratio. As being overweight increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and many more other serious disease, similarly being underweight also can create a lot of health problems for you. A healthy diet can help you in getting your physical characteristics in proper order, and hence can help to keep you healthy and fit.

Tips for Healthy Diet

Proper diet needs proper planning. Following are some of the useful diet tips that could be pretty helpful for you:
  • India is the land of greens and there is no dearth of green vegetables in India. Your diet should contain a substantial amount of green vegetables and fresh fruits. According to the nutritionists, every adult individual should take 2 cups of fresh fruit and 2 cups of green vegetables per day.
  • Diet should also include whole-grains and fat-free elements. Whole grains are the good source of fiber that is necessary for good health.
  • You will also find lots of milk and milk products in India. Your diet should also consists of those.
  • Your diet should consists of foods that are low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. The total fat intake should be in between 20 to 35 percent of calories. Take fish, nuts, and vegetable oils for this.
  • Your diet should also include a small quantities of calories from added sugars such as cookies, cakes, candy etc.
  • Your food should not contain higher amount of sodium or salt. Usually 2,300 mg of sodium and one teaspoon of salt per day is sufficient.
  • You should take sufficient amount of water daily. Water plays a major role in the good health of human beings.

Diet Pill

Weight Loss Diet Pill

Diet Pill is the pill that helps to reduce or control the weight of body. This is reason why the Diet Pill is also known an Anti-obesity drug, or weight loss drug or weigh loss pill. Diet Pill either alter appetite or metabolism of body to regulate the body weight. Nowadays, in a number of country including India, people are using Diet Pills as an effective means of weight loss. Though, like many other countries in the world, a number of people are also using Diet Pills in India, but one needs to be a bit cautious while using those, as some of the Diet Pills may have some serious side effects. Therefore, before using any Diet Pill, you must consult your physician for your own safety.

What is Diet Pill

Diet Pill decreases your weight in several ways. It suppresses appetite, it increases the metabolism of the body. Diet Pill also interfere with the ability of the body to absorb specific nutrients in the food. All of these means would eventually decrease your weight within few times

Best Diet Pills

There are a number of Diet Pills available in the market which can be stated as below:

Side effects of Diet Pills

Most of the Diet Pills have mild to sever side effects. There is no better way to loose your weight than to go for exercises. In most of the cases, Diet Pills hamper the state of your health. The common side effects of Diet Pill include Depression, Diarrhea, Anxiety feeling or Nervousness, Fever, Hair loss, Heart problem, Impotence, Irregular heartbeat, Kidney damage, Nausea and dizziness, Strokes, High blood pressure, Palpitation, Glaucoma, Heart attacks etc.