Zone Diet Recipe

The zone diet recipe keeps a constant watch on the dieters that he or she takes foods like fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts, leafy green vegetables for extracting sufficient protein counts from them.

It also insists that the dieters consume at least 8 glasses of water daily. A person following the Zone Diet regime is not allowed to eat processed food which contains a considerable amount of sa

Calorie Check

Zone Diet mainly puts stress on following recipes which are low in carbohydrates. The recipe of Diet Zone contains carbohydrate counts which are not dominated by fat and protein. The Diet Zone recipe enables the dieters to extract more energy from carbohydrates instead of fats and proteins.

Contrary to general diets, Zone Diet makes the dieters remain firm regarding calorie consumption. The unique nutritional style ensures the dieters to remain within the zone of 500 calories from main course of meal and 100 calories from snacks.

What is Zone Diet

Zone Diet aims at extracting energy from carbohydrates rather than from fats or proteins. The concept of Zone Diet was first put forward in Italy in the year 1997 by a physician, Aronne Romano. He experimented the diet concept on patients and athletes with successful results. Later, biochemist Barry Sears popularized the nutritional style through his books written on the topic. The concept of Diet Zone has also inspired a large number of diet conscious from India. The books written by Barry Sears are very popular with the Indians, as well.

Inspired by the magic formula of Zone Diet, a large number of world celebrities including Hollywood actors and actresses are believed to have followed it. These celebrities include:
Cindy Crawford
Jennifer Aniston
Renee Zellweger
Tom Cruise
Tiger Woods
Charlie Sheen

Fat Smash Diet Phase 4 |

The 4th and last phase of Fat Smash Diet aims at educating the lifetime plan. The dieters are given a wide choice of food including alcohol during this phase

Fat Smash Diet Phase 3

Construction is a 4 week long phase. It is rather flexible than the first 2 phases. Main food given during the phase includes pasta, breads and deserts. Scoop low fat ice cream, cookies and graham crackers are the main deserts given during the course of the phase.

Fat Smash Diet Phase 2

It's a 3 week program with more food consumption and 35-minute exercise schedule 5 days a week. Main food consumption during the phase includes lean meat, sea food and cereals.

Fat Smash Diet Phase 1

This phase aims at cleansing the body and the mind. The phase encourages people to get rid of the bad habits of the past and develop healthy habits. The 9 day program includes 30 minute-exercise 5 days a week and consumption of vegetarian food with supplement of dairy products and egg whites.

Fat Smash Diet Phases

At the end of the regimen, you will feel yourself rejuvenated and energized. The 90 day long Smash Fat Diet program consists of 4 phases. During each phase, 4 to 5 small servings of meal are given. The meal consists of steamed, baked, grilled or raw food. The 4 phases of Smash Fat Diet are as follows:


Fat Smash Diet Plan

Fat Smash Diet is like a breath of fresh air for people who are on strict dieting program to gain weight-loss. The complex and strict dieting regimen sometimes lead them to hunger and starvation, leaving them skinny. Fat Smash Diet completely negates the prevalent method of losing fat and weight. Fat Smash Diet is all about smashing bad habits of the past and developing new habits for leading a better, happier life and longer life.

Fat Smash Diet regimen lets you get rid of the extra fat which may cause several medical complications like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. The specifically designed 90 day program aims at giving you the fresh lease of life with a broad understanding about the relationship between food and physical exercise.

Fat Smash Diet

Fat Smash Diet is a lifestyle regimen which puts stress on the right selection of food and regular physical exercise to remain healthy for ever. The unique health and food routine is developed by Dr. Ian K. Smith and it has become an instant hit with a lot of people world wide including a large number of celebrities from Hollywood.

The unique dieting regimen has inspired a large number of people in India, as well. The diet conscious Indians are finding useful information from Fat Smash Diet books written by Dr. Ian Smith.